Get Started
Tell me what you need, and we’ll come up with requirements together, create a prototype, get it running, Design for Manufacture, and start full on production.
Are you a company that develops software and/or hardware in-house and are you in need of more developers or in need of specific expertise? I can help out!
I am a senior software engineer specialized in security and embedded software development. I also have significant experience developing embedded hardware in Eagle CAD and KiCAD and producing prototypes using services like JLCPCB, PCBWay and Aisler. See my portfolio for insight into my previous projects or check out my CV for my skills and previous experience.
As a freelancer I collaborate with your development team, or work completely autonomously. Generally I work remotely from the Amsterdam (+1 UTC) timezone, unless access to specific hardware or facilities is essential to the project. At my home office I have the appropriate materials to perform SMD hot-air rework, Vector Network Analysis and microscope inspections.
Software Development
Fluent in programming languages like C, C++, Rust, Typescript, Haskell, Java and Python and collaborate using Git.
Hardware Design & Manufacture
Drawing up your device in KiCAD, Eagle CAD or the software of your choice.
Security Analysis & Penetration Testing
Thinking outside of the box, to find vulnerabilities before it is too late.
Measuring & Analysis
Measuring the behavior of real devices is critical in understanding their performance and when troubleshooting design issues.
Manufacture is also about troubleshooting and improving production yields. I can assist in this regard as a third party.
Projects are scheduled according to deadline in a priority-queue, along with the projects of other customers. Generally I am available up to 0.5 FTE (Full Time Equivalent) for any single project, until completion. After any project I will remain available for small one-off requests under the previous agreement.
Together we will agree upon requirements, a deadline and a maximum budget for the project. I work in single day increments per client, as to maximize focus and productivity. Days of the week can not be reserved on a continuous basis.
Currently I am available for additional work.
Pricing (2025)
Standard Hourly rate
€130/hour (excl VAT)
Hourly rated based on actual hours worked. Any breaks and interruptions will not be billed. This is suitable for projects that will have a changing scope of work or requirements.
Premium Hourly rate
€260/hour (excl VAT)
This rate applies to:
short consulting jobs, which typically have a high overhead.
specialist activities such a EMC pre-compliance testing.
emergency activities that require immediate rescheduling of other clients.
Fixed price
Based on milestones and rigorously defined Scope of Work
This is suitable for projects with a lower risk profile and a limited budget.
Discounted hourly rate
I do not give a discount to any of my clients. (learn why)